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payback韓漫 payback
來源: 城市網(wǎng)      時間:2023-06-01 18:56:18



2、  pay off:vt.付清;還清(債務(wù));取得成功;賄賂;vi. 得到好結(jié)果。


3、  pay back:vt. 償還;報(bào)答。

4、  He taught me to keep ample savings, live below my means, and pay off debts.  他教會我要保留足夠的存款,在我的財(cái)富所能及范圍以下生活,付清借款。

5、  If you need help, get help and get it early -- it will pay off in the long run.  如果您需要幫助,那就獲取并早日獲取幫助 ? 它將在長期運(yùn)行中給您回報(bào)。

6、  You have to stay consistent with them, but they pay off big rewards.  你必須和它們保持一致,它們會給你巨大的回報(bào)。

7、  This year, I am doing even better, and plan to pay off my credit card by summer and car by the end of 2007.  今年,我做得更好,我計(jì)劃到夏天時能夠還清我的信用卡,到2007年底時還清我的車貸。

8、  This worked well enough, until it came time to pay back the loans.  知道償還資本的時間到來之前,這一手法運(yùn)行還算不錯。

9、  First, card borrowers are starting to pay back less of their outstanding balances each month.  首先,信用卡借款者每月實(shí)際償還的金額不斷減少。



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