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來源: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng)      時間:2023-06-24 16:41:17


1、鄧凡演唱會代言 世界第一巨星dengfan演唱會!  1凡清唱CORNER邊凡模演時尚. 2凡說唱為啦樣大家注意我邊凡模演歡心. 3凡演炫舞!4凡英文唱KISS邊凡模演第一. 5凡說唱拼邊凡模演崛起. 6凡演影視表演PK! 7凡英文唱I NEED YOU邊凡模演飄扇. 8凡說唱I HAPPY邊凡模演開心. 9凡演影視表演:情欲. 10凡清唱LISTEN SNOW邊凡模演回憶. 11凡英文唱HAPPY TOMORROW YOU邊凡模演祈福. 12凡演廳舞!13凡英文唱HARD邊凡模演鐵扇. 14凡清唱吻邊凡模演傷心. 15凡演影視表演GROW! 16凡說唱籃球邊凡模演拼搏. 17凡清唱WINDOW邊凡模演引領. 18凡演熱舞??!等.鄧凡可為演唱會主題寫歌演唱,也可即興.  [ 鄧凡一人 (或凡+12個過1.8米美少女名模伴演等)] .說唱英文唱清唱均為鄧凡原創(chuàng)。

2、世界第一美少年鄧凡.  世界第一歌星鄧凡歌手世界第一,世界第一名模鄧凡模特世界第一,世界第一影星鄧凡影視世界第一,世界第一舞星鄧凡舞蹈世界第一。


4、您好: 鄧凡是歌手舞蹈影視模特均世界第一.鄧凡世界巨星名人歌星等均排名第一.鄧凡千場演唱會千種dvd千個代言. ?   世界各地 1折渴望世界第一巨星鄧凡演唱會代言等!  dengfan concert spokesman, world the first superstar dengfan concert (spokesman etc.)!?  1 dengfan no music sing; CORNER and model performing fashion. 2 dengfan say sing; FOR TO EVERBODY NOTE I and model performing happy. 3 dengfan performing POP DANCE! . 4 dengfan english sing; KISS and model performing first. 5 dengfan say sing; SPELL and model performing rise. 6 ?dengfan film tv performing ; PK! . 7 dengfan no music sing; I NEED YOU and model performing floating fan. 8 dengfan say sing; I HAPPY, and model performing ?happy. 9 dengfan film tv performing ; DESIRE. 10 ?dengfan no music sing; LISTEN SNOW and model performing memories. 11 dengfan english sing; HAPPY TOMORROW YOU and model performing pray. 12 dengfan performing BALLROOM DANCE !. 13 dengfan english sing; HARD and model performing Tieshan fan. 14 dengfan no music sing; kiss and model performing Sad. 15 dengfan film tv performing ; GROW! . 16 dengfan say sing; BASKETBALL and model performing spell. 17 dengfan no music sing; WINDOW and model performing lead. 18 dengfan performing HOT DANCE! !. Etc. . dengfan can written for concert theme song to sing, can also be improvisation.  [dengfan ?1 person (or dengfan +12 person all over 1.8 m ?supermodel beautiful girl ?with performing, etc.)] ?.world first beautiful boy dengfan.  world first singer star dengfan singer world first, world first supermodel dengfan model world first, world first actor star dengfan film tv world first, world first dance star dengfan dance world first,  the is 30, all dengfan original full flagship.?  Hello: dengfan singer dance actor model all world first. dengfan world superstar largest celebrity singer star etc all world first. dengfan thousand concert thousand kind dvd thousand spokesman. world first superstar dengfan give your Confidential price is of other superstar one-tenth . yearn world first superstar dengfan concert spokesperson etc ..1。



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